Custom ERP solutions

We believe Business can benefit greatly from optimized processes. Right solutions can become a game changer for companies in planning and using their resources more efficiently.

Flow of information

Understanding your customers' current and future demands, and having the ability to communicate it through the supply channel, is one of the main goals of any organization. We can help you plan and engineer solutions that are based on the particularities of your business.

Whether you are using an existing EPR solution and need to integrate or create an additional service, or you are starting the process from scratch, at Clever Fish we will be able to consult, plan and develop a user-friendly service as well as a cluster of services that will facilitate your business needs.

Material & Stock

When it comes to managing your inventory, correct processes are the key. We are focusing on providing the right software and hardware support depending on the business type. We are equipped with accurate, up-to-date information and automatically generated reports that help your business make better informed decisions.

Finance & Cash

Managing cash inflow and outflow, as well as taking into account business specifics, those can be optimized to increase accuracy, and minimize time spent on repetitive tasks. From smartphone-interfaces for field-managers, to creating their own booking, to data aggregation and mass processing of 3rd party data. We can help your business automate and optimize cash-related processes.

System of alerts & notifications

With a system of alerts, the overlooking of processes can be made easier. You receive an alert that something is calling for attention, therefor efficiency of the work flow is improved, because your perspective is put to the right process of your business, at the right time.

Through system notifications, major losses can be prevented, as well as bottle necks can be foreseen in advance.